< Careers
Owen Sampley
Favorite Quote:
Living the dream.

Owen Sampley

Flight Control Manager
What do you like most about working at flyExclusive?

I like that every day is a different challenge, so the job is never mundane. I also really enjoy the people I work with who make the job a little less stressful.

Do you have any interesting hobbies?

I enjoy doing lots of home improvement projects. I’m also a big fan of going to antique and thrift stores to find good deals.

What is your favorite movie?

No Country for Old Men.

How long have you worked for flyExclusive?

Right at 4 years.

Tell me something interesting about yourself.

The first plane I ever got in, I jumped out of to go skydiving.

What is your favorite memory working here?

When I got to ride one of our reposition legs up to New York City and spend a few days up there. I had never been there before and it was a really cool way to experience it for the first time.

Beth Edwards
Beth Edwards
Director of Member Services
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